Communicating with the WSIAT and Other Parties

Delivery and Filing of Documents

We have requirements about how to send us information for an appeal or application. You must write your name and your WSIAT number on all correspondence to make sure the information is added to the correct case. Anything you send us must also be sent to the other participating parties, or their representatives, at the same time. Exceptions are Notices of Appeal, Consent Forms and Response Forms. You only need to send these to us.

We accept documents by E-File, regular mail and courier. We don’t accept any case-related information by email.

For more information, please review Practice Direction #36 – Delivery and Filing Documents or Contact Us.

Calculation of Time

We have due dates for information and actions during the appeal process which may affect your appeal. To make sure you meet our deadlines, please review Practice Direction #35 – Calculation of Time or Contact Us.