Further to the WSIAT’s communication at the Stakeholder Event on September 28, 2022, the WSIAT entered phase two of its gradual resumption of in-person hearings, effective autumn, 2022. In phase two, the WSIAT is gradually increasing the number of in-person hearings. Parties may request an in-person or a teleconference hearing, as an alternative to a videoconference hearing. For more information, please see the WSIAT Interim Guideline on the Gradual Resumption of In-Person Hearings.
We are pleased to share the revised WSIAT Guidelines For the Gradual Resumption of In-Person Hearings During COVID-19 (which includes the In-Person Hearings Participant Information Sheet) which outlines procedures to protect the health and safety of all in-person hearing participants, while the public health situation continues to evolve.