As of August 12, 2019, David Corbett assumed a new position as Deputy Minister of Labour. The Tribunal congratulates David on this appointment, and we also express our thanks and gratitude to David for his leadership and stewardship of the Tribunal over the past three years. As a result of his vision and guidance, the WSIAT was able to achieve its goals of reducing its active caseload, reducing the time to first hearing, and providing consistency of hearing dates in all regions. The Tribunal has every confidence that David will be successful in his new role.
The WSIAT is pleased to announce that Rosemarie McCutcheon has been appointed Chair of the Tribunal on an interim basis, effective August 16, 2019.
Rosemarie is an experienced adjudicator, and has been a Vice-Chair with the Tribunal since 1999. Most recently, Rosemarie has been the Alternate Chair - Registrar at the Tribunal. She has also played a critical role in the orientation and professional development programs at the Tribunal. Prior to her appointment as Vice-Chair, Rosemarie acted as associate counsel in the Office of the Counsel to the Chair. She was called to the Bar of Ontario in 1997, and has a Master of Laws degree in Administrative Law from Osgoode Hall Law School.
Please join the Tribunal in welcoming Rosemarie into her new role. Rosemarie and the entire Tribunal team are committed to continuing to improve the timeliness of our processes, while maintaining the standards of impartiality, independence, and adjudicative excellence that our stakeholders expect and deserve.