Highlights of Noteworthy Decisions

Decision 2855 17 R2
C. Huras
  • Adjournment (preparation on issue)
  • Procedure (reconsideration)
  • Reconsideration

Decision No. 2855/17R granted reconsideration of Decision No. 2855/17 on the basis of new evidence.

On the rehearing of the appeal, the worker's representative was not prepared to argue the merits of the issues on the appeal. Rather, it was the understanding of the representative that the hearing would be limited to the new evidence that was submitted for the reconsideration request and arguments on why the Decision No. 2855/17 was incorrect.
The Vice-Chair noted the Tribunal practice direction on Reconsiderations, which states that, if the threshold test is met, the case will be reconsidered and new decision made on the merits.
In the circumstances, the Vice-Chair granted the request of the representative for an adjournment.