- Health care (medical aid) (escorts)
- Health care (medical aid) (travel expenses)
- Travel expenses (medical examination)
- Travel expenses (to pharmacy)
The worker's estate sought entitlement to travel costs for the worker to attend medical appointments, to pick up medications, and the costs of an escort to accompany the worker on the stipulated dates.
The appeal was denied.The worker had stated that pharmacy delivery of his medications was not appropriate due to his unstable sleep patterns, and the need to verify the correctness of the prescriptions at the pharmacy in order to correct errors in the filling of the prescription. The worker also asserted that his circumstances required that he be assisted by someone else in his travels.The Vice-Chair found that there was no evidence to support that the medical visits attended by the worker were for the purpose of treatment of his compensable impairments. Thus, no entitlement for health care expenses under section 33 of the WSIA had been established. The Vice-Chair also found that there was a lack of sufficient evidence to establish that delivery of the worker's medications required to treat his compensable condition could not have been arranged through delivery by a pharmacy, or that there would be any consequences to sorting out difficulties regarding the pharmacy's filling of a prescription following a home delivery, as compared to in the pharmacy. The worker's request for entitlement for escort expenses for the purposes of such travel was also denied.